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Una canción para recordar

Hoy he decidido publicaros este vídeo de Carly Simon y saltarme el producto de la tarde. Si os gustó Armas de Mujer (Working girl),  estoy segura que la canción Let the River os sonorá a un clásico. No hay otra canción que me recuerde más a NY que esta. El look ochentero de la película no tiene desperdicio. Dios mio,… esos flequillos a lo sombrilla con laca a tope y maquillaje color intenso. Espero que esa moda no vuelva por favor.

¿La recordáis?. Más abajo os paso la letra. Sin duda alguna, una dedicatoria a Nueva York en toda regla,….. to the New Jerusalem.

[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cv-0mmVnxPA]

We’re coming to the edge,
Running on the water,
Coming through the fog,
Your sons and daughters.

Let the river run,
Let all the dreamers
Wake the nation.
Come, the New Jerusalem.

Silver cities rise,
The morning lights
The streets that meet them,
And sirens call them on
With a song.

It’s asking for the taking.
Trembling, shaking.
Oh, my heart is aching.

We’re coming to the edge,
Running on the water,
Coming through the fog,
Your sons and daughters.

We the great and small
Stand on a star
And blaze a trail of desire
Through the dark’ning dawn.

It’s asking for the taking.
Come run with me now,
The sky is the color of blue
You’ve never even seen
In the eyes of your lover.

Oh, my heart is aching.
We’re coming to the edge,
Running on the water,
Coming through the fog,
Your sons and daughters.

It’s asking for the taking.
Trembling, shaking.
Oh, my heart is aching.

We’re coming to the edge,
Running on the water,
Coming through the fog,
Your sons and daughters.

Let the river run,
Let all the dreamers
Wake the nation.
Come, the New Jerusalem.